Sunday, July 17, 2011

Random Re-cap.

A few quick-ish thoughts from the weekend:

1. Mario van Peebles may look like a homeless man these days but he seems like a very nice guy. We had dinner at the restaurant formerly known as the Beachstro on Friday night. He stopped on his run to use the restroom. K loved him when she was in middle school so she recognized him. M and I frantically googled/wiki'd/IMDB'd him. When he was leaving, M yelled out "MARIO!" -- he turned around, came over to say hi, and let us take a picture with him.

2. We brought our friend K to the gym with us to do "the double." I love the double but I also think its hard. At the same time, sometimes I also think I'm just being a wimp. But, K is in good shape and by the time hour one was done she was vacillating between hating us, wanting to punch the instructor in the throat, and not wanting to move anymore. She pushed through to spin like a champ though. My point is that its nice to be validated that you're not just being a baby sometimes.

3. Ravinia can be a really lovely time. It is kind of like baseball to me -- if the weather is perfect, I think its a great way to spend an evening. And, last night, it was perfect. The day's weather started questionably, clouds and maybe rain potential. My knees told me that was just a grumpy Mother Nature rather than an incoming storm. By the time we arrived at Ravinia -- around 7 -- it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and no mosquitoes either.

4. We brought so much stuff with us to Ravinia, it looked like we were embarking on a week-long camping trip rather than three hours in the park. Table-in-a-bag, two chairs-in-a-bag, two RECLINERS-in-a-bag, three blankets, two coolers, and a grocery bag. Even with all that, we forgot something (corkscrew -- no big deal, some blanket neighbors let us borrow one).

5. Jennifer Hudson can SING. I know that's not news but the woman is really good and puts on a great show.

6. The good and the bad thing about getting older is the inability to sleep in. This morning was a touch too early for me for a Sunday (5:40) but the heat and humidity is coming this afternoon and I wanted to get in a bike ride and lake swim. It's 10:45 am and I rode 24 miles, swam 2 miles in the lake, walked to Walgreens, started my laundry, and had breakfast already.

7. I love pancakes. That is all.

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