Monday, September 19, 2011

Trapeasy Take Two.

About six weeks ago, M, her mom and I went to trapeze class. It was not our idea; it was suggested as a networking event at work but we both had a conflict on the original date so we went on our own. However, the original date got rained out so we got to attend our second class for free as part of the re-scheduled work event.

The first class was exhilarating in a facing-fears type of way. I'm not particularly scared of heights but climbing a tall ladder and leaning out over the edge of a high platform was definitely a challenge the first time around. The second class had none of that fear. It helped that the person holding you at the top of the platform was a big, strong guy (who happened to have been the guy who caught us during the first class, giving me even more confidence in him) when the first class had a little girl assuring me, bigger than her, that she had me. She did but I couldn't help thinking that gravity plus my weight could easily bring her down with me.

So, the second class was just fun. We learned two new tricks which were super fun. The first trick everyone learns is called the knee-hang. It leaves a rather distinctive bruise on the back of your dominate side leg. (So much so that when we were walking to work this morning, M and I noticed the bruise on a girl ahead of us and then realized she was one of our co-workers and trapeze classmates.) After we demonstrated proficiency with the knee-hang, we learned the heels-off. Despite the name, that sucker leaves you a nice little bruise along your Achilles. Finally, we learned the whip. As far as I can tell, that one is bruise-free, although I only got to try it once. But, from a bruising perspective alone, I love it.

I have to admit that I was enjoying a little bit of schadenfreude. The girl who suggested this event is not my favorite for a variety of reasons and I suspected that she would not be particularly good at trapeze. Trapeze takes some degree of fitness and I'm pretty sure she never works out. So, I was not surprised that she had trouble on her first swing. I'm a bad person but it made me smile to see her struggle, as she is generally very smug about her accomplishments. However, I was surprised at how quickly she quit though. No "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" with this girl.

Short story long, I really enjoy trapeze. I'm not sure it is much of a workout, although it definitely uses your shoulders and abs, but it is A LOT of fun. I am pretty sure that I will be back for more classes in the future and hopefully leave with fewer bruises.

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