Friday, October 29, 2010

Two Dollar Daydreams.

"Gotta get in it to win it."

"You can't win if you don't play."

The lottery has brainwashed me. Twice per week I buy lottery tickets for the MegaMillions and Powerball. Every once in awhile, I will win a few dollars. Just enough to keep the hope alive. But, more importanty, my two dollars provides me the daydreams of being a megamillionaire or powerballer. They are probably the best two dollars I spend. A lot of people I know take playing the lottery as a sign of job disatisfaction. I don't think they are wrong. I jokingly call it my retirement plan. In actuality, it is my only EARLY retirement plan as I don't see myself coming up with any other way that will allow me to dial back the work and still lead a lifestyle I enjoy.

My daydreams aren't very developed -- I guess reflecting my awareness of the actual odds of them becoming a reality -- but they are delightful. They always start with meeting with a lawyer to figure out tax implications and whatnot. (Even my daydreams are practical.) Then, I pay off my mortgage and about five others for my family and friends. After that, I travel a lot, while coming up with a job that leaves me lots of flexibility and a good feeling. It depends what season we are in where I go first -- a tropical island, Spain -- but I always go fancy.

A girl can dream.

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