You actually want and look forward to meeting your friends' parents. In fact, some of them, you'd meet for a drink even if their child (your friend) wasn't free to join you. Now, of course, this assumes that your friends like their parents.
Recently, I realized that most of my friends' parents are just like mine. Despite the statistics that you hear all the time, of the say five or six people that I think of as my closest friends, all but one has parents that have been married over 30 years. We are all undoubtedly unusual and lucky in that regard. And, as a side note, maybe too idealized -- its hard to settle for a starter marriage when you have ongoing evidence that marriage can last if you're willing to put in the effort. While not perfect in their relationship to each other or me, I love my parents, enjoy hanging out with them, and wish I got to spend time with them more often. Instead, I just call them enough that they frequently tell me that nothing has happened.
Wild and crazy girl that I am, this Friday night, I met my friend and her mother for a glass of wine. And, I couldn't ask for a better way to spend the evening. Lately, I've been a social-light (attending the same events as actual socialites but never making the cut for the pictures or doing the step-and-repeat). A couple of my friends are television personalities and involved in the fashion industry. They attend events with the "fabulous" crowd probably four nights a week. (Oddly, it seems to me that the fabulous people have their events on the weekdays much more than the weekends. Either they save the weekends for the truly fabulous events or reserve that time for their actual friends and family. I can't tell and suspect I will never know the answer.) Occasionlly, they invite us to attend these events with them. Being a social-light is super-fun, but also super-tiring when you have a more-than-full time job. So, hanging out with my friend and her wonderful mom, was the perfect way to end a week.
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