One of the main reasons I have not blogged before now is the same reason I hate Evite: the pressure to be witty. I couldn't get past the initial step of naming the blog. Coming up with a name that is fun, funny and reflective of me or what I anticipate this blog's purpose to be was a not-insignificant obstacle. Everytime I came up with a title that even vaguely fit any of those criterion, I was reminded of that fact that there are so many funny people out there who already had claimed that name.
So, I settled on Bit of Bubbly. The reasons are threefold:
1) I love prosecco and its French cousin champagne. Some people believe that the bubbly is to be saved to celebrate something significant. I am not one of those people. I think the bubbly is always appropriate. It makes a great day drink -- light and easily mixable into the morning mimosa. If you're having a bad day, bubbles make it better. And, of course, if you want to celebrate anything, including just making it to drinks, its ideal.
As an added bonus, prosecco comes in adorable little splits. Sold.

2) This blog is highly unlikely to address anything deep. I'm not a girl who carries around a soapbox to spout out my political or religious opinions. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of opinions. Mostly though, I suspect this will be just little thought bubbles. If something is bothering me, I always sleep better once I've gotten it out of my mind by putting it on paper, or in this case, my paper proxy.

3) Of the many adjectives that may apply to me, bubbly likely would not make anyone's top 25 list. This includes when I was a cheerleader in high school. The bubbliest of high school castes and I still don't think anyone would have thought I fit the personality type (or body type but that's irrelevant).
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