Saturday, August 22, 2009


Macy's Glamorama was last night. Its where "fashion and music come together." Six designers showcased their fall lines (not fashion week because that would be Spring clothes. However, Friday's high was about 70 so fall clothing was perfectly appropriate.) One of my friends is essentially in charge of it. Missy Piggy was part of the talent along with Ne-Yo. They both had their pictures taken with the Pig. For those who don't know, Ne-Yo, while a very talented songwriter and singer, is a pocket person.
The show was super-fun. The after-party even more so. What's not to love about bars everywhere, various themed snack-stations , and dancing? Okay, the not-to-love is annoying photographers who somehow got media passes but are acknowledged to be nuts by those who know. Overall, a great time.

This morning I met a few friends at a near-by farmers' market. I left with the most unusual sunburn I've ever had. Thankfully, it will not show in any of my work clothes. I also went to pick up my order from the sparkling wine tasting. Would you believe that despite my lasting love for prosecco and all things bubbly, I did not own a single flute? I remedied that situation and immediately put a bottle or two in to chill . . . and drink. Prosecco plus True Blood dvds (no HBO here) = a lovely afternoon/evening. Maybe a tad pathetic but not at all un-enjoyed.

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