I'm in a personal recession. That's what I like to call it when I am in a rut and just feel "eh" about everything. Sometimes, its everything. Sometimes its social and I just want to hermit in my apartment. In this case, my recession is limited to work only. My work life is primarily just one case and I feel like I am doing the same thing over and over again. Its not a depression, thankfully. And, even more importantly, I'm not at all depressed (
see e.g., all other posts about fun stuff). With a recession, I just hope for a quick market correction and be done with it. Although given the actual market and economy, I am thankful to have a job and hope that my personal recession does not last as long as the actual one.
For the past two weeks, I've been commiserating at lunch with a friend, and former co-worker, with whom I've been eating lunch with five years now. We both are suffering from the same repeating career thoughts. Today, we went to lunch with our favorite recruiter, who actually placed him in his current job. I was hoping for some good news about the state of the market and how people are starting to hire again in my field. I did not get it. I did hear some interesting news that makes me want to stay tuned though. We will see how long this bit of interest keeps me engaged but its better than nothing.

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