Sunday, June 10, 2012

Puppy Cam.

I think it is a good barometer of a person if they do not like puppies or kittens.  Or, really, any baby, fuzzy animal.  I can understand that some people are scared of their grown version due to bad experiences or whatnot but the baby version is nothing but wriggly, fuzzy, goofy happiness. (However, in my estimation, it is totally rational and normal not to like snakes, baby or otherwise.)

Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I usually request that KWW send me a puppy picture, as he seems to have a stock pile of them.  Currently, I have something even better: the puppy cam is back!  For a couple years probably, somewhere on the west coast, the breeder of a shiba inu has streamed a webcam of puppies whenever they have a litter.  I believe this is their fourth.  I just love it.  Even now when the puppies are still so young their eyes aren't open yet and spend most of their time sleeping, they are super adorable.  I like to keep it on in the background, checking in for a dose of puppy goodness throughout the day.

Even better than the puppy cam, I learned that my parents are getting a puppy in two weeks.  They were trying to decide between adopting a grown dog or doing the work of raising a puppy.  I thought they had decided on grown dog but they zigged and will soon be the proud owners of a yellow lab puppy they have decided to name Belle.  For the past twenty years or so, every dog they have owned has been a B name: Buffy, Beau, Bart, and now Belle.  (I ruined their streak by giving them a Shelby, although I try to shoehorn her in by spelling her name Shel-B.)  Before they knew if they would end up with a male or female, they actually went online to look at baby names, picking Belle and Baron for potential names.  Now, they are puppy-planning and proofing their house, even though they know that labs are chewers and at least a couple things are going to get destroyed.  A totally worthwhile trade for the little ball of happiness Belle will be.  I told my parents that I was coming back to visit the dogs.  Not us?  No, the dogs.  I need some puppy time!

1 comment:

  1. I believe this is their fourth. I just love it. Even now when the puppies are still so young their eyes aren't open yet and spend most of their time sleeping, they are super can making friendship by our group couple webcam.
