Sunday, November 27, 2011


I am a self-admitted fair-weather bike rider. I think I am kind of a wimp when it comes to riding in bad weather. I define bad to involve rain, snow, ice, strong wind, and cold. Yet, there are lots of sites dedicated to telling you how great it is to ride through the winter. They use a lot of words like "brisk" and "bracing" and "layers." I really do enjoy riding my bike but I also enjoy feeling in my fingers and toes.

I did not start riding my bike regularly until late May despite having it for six weeks or so prior. I kept wanting to but the highs were not breaking 60 and M reminded me that I would have lots of time to ride so why do it when I'd dislike it. As the fall entered, I said that my goal was to ride through October. Thanks to a mild November, I rode my bike to work probably half of the time. (It helped that I spent a week in Colorado though.)

Today was not ideal riding weather, definitely falling into my definition of bad as it was around 40, light rain and wind. But, I rode anyway. I had let M borrow my car so I was faced with walking, taking a cab, riding, or skipping the gym. I think walking takes too long and I'm cheap but I'm not lazy, so I got on my bike. Surprisingly, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was brisk, bracing, and I did wear layers. I do not think I will be a year-round rider but maybe I am slightly less of a wimp than I thought.

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