Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Challenge.

Bin 36 is a bar/restaurant that has always been right across the street from my office, despite my office moving locations. And, oddly enough, I have never gone there very often. Maybe once a year in the six years I've worked here. In fact, I go there more often to buy a bottle of wine on my way to a party than I do to actually wine and dine. But, they started The Challenge which has and will successfully change that.

The Challenge is to have each of their twelve wine flights and eight cheese flights over the course of slightly over a month. If you do both, you get a free wine and cheese flight every month for a year plus dinner for two. (If you only do either the wines or the cheeses, you only get that type of flight for the year, no dinner.)

Melissa and I decided that we were up for The Challenge. But, we are competitive, efficient, and impatient people. While we have a month to complete The Challenge, we set our own goal of completing it by Friday. In part, this is because we get distracted and busy and it would be so disappointing to not finish what we started because our lives got busier than t his week. In part, its because we like a challenge. We have a plan and are on track to complete The Challenge by Friday. Last night, we were having our flights when one of the servers picked up our tracking cards and just laughed at us.

Apparently, our plan is more aggressive and amusing than most people taking The Challenge.

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