However, bubbles are not the only thing my friends and I drink. Non-bubbly wine is also totally acceptable. I don't know a lot about wine but prefer reds to white. Malbec, pinot, merlot, cab, shiraz -- all good in my book.

There are certain occassions where a beer is really the only thing that will work. For example, a cold beer at a ballgame is really the only thing that fits. (Digression: its also the only setting where I eat a hot dog because they taste better there and by better, I mean, damn, that is delicious.)

I still like my vodky soda. Particularly, a raspberry vodka or three olives grape. Tastes just like grape soda. All with extra lime -- its only prudent, one doesn't want scurvy.

And, more than one shot is still a quick ticket to time travel.
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