The June issue of CS included a review of new bars. If its not obvious, I'm a creature of habit. At most restaurants that I go to, I don't really need to look at a menu because I have a go-to and don't bother branching out. Unsurprisingly, that means I usually go to the same places and don't often deviate(except when moved by an outside force, e.g. my mom coming to town). Despite my apparent love of Newton's First Law of Motion, I do like going new places and even more so, like reading about new places.
CS recommended Hotel Palomar's Sable. Been there and it is definitely good. I still miss the nice little green space that formerly occupied the hotel's footprint, though.
CS recommends Old Town Social. OTS is on my old block. I certainly like the place but dislike standing in lines so rarely went. Nonetheless, I agree with the recommendation.
CS informed me that the people behind Bull and Bear are putting a bar into what used to be RedFish. Looking forward to that.
CS told me that Epic's roof is delightful, as expected. CS also apprised me that a new restaurant/lounge with an Italian focus will be moving in across the street from Epic. Super news.
And, CS told me that a former friend, English, has undergone some rehab. A few years ago, I really enjoyed English. I even had my birthday there (28 or 29, can't remember). Yelp billed English as the ruiner of birthdays. English itself didn't accomplish that. A jerky boy and breaking my key in my front door managed it, although technically on the day after my birthday. But I digress. Its been awhile -- maybe as much as two years -- since I've been to English but I kind of want to go back. English hired Rahdika Desai, of Top Chef fame, to redesign their menu and be the chef. I attended an event last summer (Chefs and the City) in which she participated with some delicious samples. I liked English's food before but I bet it is awesome now.
Short story long, thanks to CS, I might branch out a bit this summer.

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