I recently celebrated my fifth year working at the same firm. Five years of practice, although my fifth year of being a real attorney does not ocurr until November 4, 2009. Election Day. Also, the day I can elect to be a member of roughly half of the bars of the United States without taking the bar again. But I digress, I have come to realize that the last five years have resulted in a changed me. I always thought I was super type-A until I started work. Compared to a lot of people with whom I work, I am super laid back and chill. Compared to your average person, I'm still impatient and intolerant of stupidity, type-A.
Despite realizing this change, it does not change the fact that these kids these days are a different breed than just five years ago. Despite the economy, these kids act as though they are too good to do the grunt work that is required. What one person calls document review, someone slightly senior calls deposition preparation, what someone more senior calls trial preparation. You simply cannot avoid it and be a lawyer. And yet, some kids think that its enough to make a token effort and then they are entitled to the reward at the end -- a field trip to meet the witness.
One kid in particular bugs me tonight. He continually implies that I am deliberately excluding him from information and not doing my job. In fact, the opposite is true: I am doing his job in addition to mine. I was sitting at Theory with Missy when his latest email insinuating that I failed him hit my blackberry. Thankfully, I deleted his emails after responding with third party (Missy) approval. But by the time I got home, I really wanted to send him a snotty email. I am taking her advice and going with a face-to-face convo tomorrow. I guess this blog is the best I can do to get my frustration and anger out of my system. But, man!
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