"There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid."
I've always like that little ditty from Longfellow for a couple reasons. First, and foremost, it reminds me of my grandfather. He used to quote it to me when I was being a brat. (He also used to chase me around with a salt shaker to put salt on my lip when I was pouting. Not one to tolerate children misbehaving without some direct commentary, my grandfather. On the other hand, he was a really good foot-warmer and toast-butterer, among many other things that are important to a little kid. He was a loveable curmudgeon in my opinion.)
Second, it generally applies to my days. For the most part my days vary somewhere between unremarkable and awesome. But when they are bad, they are horrid. Today fell into that latter category, although with a work-travel specific focus.
This morning, I was in Chicago and circulated a draft of exactly what was requested to a senior partner who will be supervising me interview a director tomorrow. I got back a reply-all directing another partner to revise my work. The partner who was told to revise called me and essentially told me "good luck in NY" because senior partner is clearly in a mood.
Then, I went down to meet my car to the airport. (Yes, I know that sounds snobby but its better than cabs because I don't have to front the cash and wait to be reimbursed and the firm supports that.) But, my car was not there. My secretary called the car service and eventually the guy showed up. He was apparently across the street at the Trump and got out of the car yelling at me that he "was right there" and why did I call on him? After telling him to stop yelling at me, we got in the car. But, he immediately starts texting while he's driving, going about 20 down Wacker, clearly not paying attention. I had to tell him to stop texting, start paying attention and drive. Not a good sign. Nonetheless, I got to the airport safely and the ride was free (because my secretary called the car company again to report the yelling and the texting and they agreed that was unacceptable).
I had a middle seat on my flight to NY, not desirable. Even less desirable? My seatmate to my right who came on with a bag of McDonald's and once finished eating, immediately put a dip in. I really think dipping is disgusting and the smell of the tobacco can is overpowering to me. The lesser of the two evils was my seatmate to the left who just spent the entire time laughing out loud at her text messages.
But, things are looking up, I hope. I made it to NY safe and sound. I even made it safely to my hotel, despite a harrowing cab ride with a driver who seemed disregard lane lines, the rules of traffic -- and physics. Maybe this bodes well for tomorrow despite the rocky start to today.
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