"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game." Mary Poppins said that. (I love that movie. My brother and I watched it and Annie probably 20 times each when we were kids.) And, I actually do believe it. Everything is a matter of perspective. Admittedly, sometimes its harder than others to find that perspective of fun. Nonetheless, this quote and the importance of perspective are the reasons that I will do almost anything if it has the potential to be a good story later. And, you never know what will turn into a good story.
My point: to try to break out of the malaise, I'm trying to find that element of fun again. Today's game was trying to insert myself into a trip to London. As I told the partner, I have my passport in hand these days so I'm ready to go at any moment. I really don't have any claim to the trip other than a day's worth of work today. And, it was a transparent move. Nonetheless, the partner played along. I won't get to go, but it never hurts to ask. Keeps it fun to have the hope of a fun work trip. I've been trying to wrangle another Asian trip as well. Like I said earlier, I don't go bad places for work.

I think this business travel game is hereditary. My dad used to travel a decent amount for work and you've never seen a guy work a frequent flyer program like my dad. It was fun for him to make the worst travel plans possible to get the most segments. Of course, this was prior to the changes in the programs that make them less valuable.

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