Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't Let The Terrorists Win.

Jerkfaces. Assholes.

Just a couple of the names I like to call my knees when they are misbehaving. A couple days ago, they were acting out for no obvious reason. KWW suggested that I place the blame on someone I hated. At a loss, I went for a category: terrorists.

Admittedly, it is a stretch of a metaphor but my rheumy knees do sometimes try lay siege and hold me hostage to their popping and pain. But, I like to remind myself that if I don't do anything, the terrorists win. When I was first diagnosed with RA years ago, I would check out the websites about the disease. I did not find them particularly helpful. Scary, yes. Depressing, for sure. A lot of the comments to various stories were just people complaining about their ailments. I do not intend to diminish their pain. Living with on-going pain can be exhausting and depressing. The constant ache that doesn't go away even when you're entirely still sucks. The sharp stabbing pains? Not fun. No doubt about it.


And, this is an important but, the fact that you know you're going to be in pain means you can adjust your normal. A lot of life is mental. Once you adjust your perspective, accommodating the fact that you are going to have pain, it is up to you to accept it or wallow in it. I understand the impulse to wallow but it cannot be something you indulge in for long. The authors of the comments seem to think that they cannot do anything because doing something will hurt. Yes, but doing nothing will also hurt. Pain is a baseline. Yes, maybe your hands are gnarled and barely functional -- but there is nothing wrong with your legs, right? Go for a walk. Your knees hurt? Hop in the pool with a pull buoy and do some pull. You will feel better in that you did something and it will take your mind of your pain. In fact, by doing something, you will be doing more than the average healthy person does daily.

In short: We do not negotiate with terrorists -- take no prisoners and do not let them win.

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