Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cubs "Fan."

This is not an original observation. Not even close.

But, I am always struck by just how bad of baseball fans Cubs fans are. I'm sure there are some people who go to the games because they care about the game, know the players, actually watch the game, but those people seem to be a pretty silent minority. And, I say this as a person who is not a baseball fan. I'm a sports fan generally so I can certainly enjoy a baseball game when I'm there, but I don't care enough to follow it -- especially since I find baseball games dreadfully boring to watch on TV.

H organized a block of tickets for her various friends to attend last night's game. I hadn't been to a Cubs game yet this summer so I was in. I usually try go to at least two baseball games during the summer -- one Sox, one Cubs. I was in the Sox box on Saturday and last night satisfied my Cubs obligation.

I have never been to the Cubs box. I have always slummed it in normal seats at Wrigley. And, thanks to the bad baseball fan nature of the Cubs fans, I have a lovely time. Wrigley is a fantastic place to sit, eat a hot dog, have some drinks and chat with friends. If you happen to catch some of the game, great. If you don't, well, you probably missed a loss so no harm, no foul.

I guess after seven years, I've decided that if I were to be a baseball fan here, I'd be a Sox fan. But, I am a Wrigley fan.

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