Every Sunday, at some point in the afternoon, the dread sets in. I know I'm not alone in having it. That "I don't wanna" go back to my office, deal with the people, get dressed in professional clothes. Hell, Office Space made having a case of the Mondays famous. I really think that my job would be better if I could work from my couch in my sweats all the time. Of course, I wouldn't get a lot done because I'd be constantly napping but trade-offs.
I try to combat the dread in various ways. Lately, Missy and I have made something of a habit of Sunday Night Football, sushi and wine as a way to finish the weekend and ease into Monday. Not every Sunday but a few times. Unconventional but delicious. Another avenue of avoiding the dread I've tried is attacking Monday by getting up and going to spin class. Last week, I was thwarted by no spin instructor. But today, Sonja was back and spin was a hard, sweaty workout. I really do love Sonja's spin classes. You can make the workout as hard as you want and the woman always has good music to go with it. The only problem is when she gets on an electronic music kick. Those are the songs that never end, and only go on and on, my friend, some people started playing it, not knowing what they were and now they keep on playing them forever just because those are the songs that never end . . .

And, it worked. The day went by fairly quickly. The only thing I'm combating now is a case of the sniffles.
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