Missy and I planned to have lunch today to share the details of our weekends, specifically her date on Friday night. While we had plans, we had company that was not quite appropriate for the details. So, we agree to meet for a drink post-work and training.
Missy got to Theory first and snagged us some seats at the bar. After a long, unproductive day, I had gotten on a roll in the last few hours so I was a little late as I finished something up. Thankfully, three people next to Missy at the bar had kept her entertained during my tardiness. How? By openly and loudly, discussing a possible threesome they might have. When I walked in, they were debating the pros and cons, including how to deal with anyone feeling left out. Considerate to themselves, I suppose but I would rather they be considerate to us and leave the rest of us in earshot out of it. I was trying to eat, after all!
And, it ruined the date-detailing. Not to steal from Sex and the City, but I do think that living in a big city does rob dating people of romance and what is considered basic courting manners in other places. Last week, Missy and I were both extremely impressed by the idea that she was going to have a "car date," that is, he was going to come pick her up. And, for an actual dinner at a restaurant. Usually, a date in a city is meeting for drinks. Not only did this guy drive over to pick her up, he double parked and actually came up to her door to get her. Setting the bar high right there.
And, yet, while listening to this impressive date story, I kept hearing interjections related to threesome logistics or seeing the threesome making out. And, now, the lyrics to Britney Spears' song, "3," are stuck in my head. "1,2,3, not only you and me. . ."

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