Then, it was on to the afterparty at Macy's. The afterparty reminds me of prom afterparties but for adults. We ran around tasting the food and drinks, getting airbrushed tattoos (I got Mona Lisa on the inside of my wrist, which when I woke up on Saturday morning was also anywhere my wrist rested on body), and dancing.
They had a "graffiti wall" where we could leave our mark. Apparently, we (royal we here, as I was not the author) were feeling pretty confident Friday night:
There was a "photo shoot" sponsored by Patron. We have all watched our fair share of ANTM, know about not losing our necks and smizing, and yet, they seemed to catch all of us mid-something else. Nonetheless, I really like the picture since we all look happy:
Finally, there is always a goody bag. In addition to all the things pictured below, Macy's included a pair of flip flops. God bless them.
Glamorama is just fun.
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