He recently added one of our aunts on my dad's side of the family as a friend on Facebook. We don't see that side of the family very often but he wanted to try to increase communication and whatnot. Well intentioned. What he didn't realize is that my dad had not communicated some pertinent details about my brother's life to his sisters. (My broseph did not realize it because he is very open about these details.)
So picture it:
My aunt, and her husband, live in the middle of Wisconsin. They have two sons. I'm not sure that it is fair to call them rednecks -- although it very well might be -- but I do think its fair to say that they are not particularly worldly and have a pretty limited exposure to things that are not the Republican dream. My aunt accepts the friend request and begins to peruse my brother's page. She sees that he is in a relationship with "Angelina." She takes the next natural step and clicks on Angelina's page to find that Angelina is actually J.:

Apparently, my dad didn't tell his sisters that my brother is gay, much less that his partner is a drag queen.
Ah, to be a fly on that wall.