It makes me think that it's a comic hero's mode of transport.

Or, what Spongebob rides around town under the sea.

Or, some super-low impact bike-like contraption you use in a pool.

But, it's not.
Aquabike is what they call a triathlon without the run leg. A triathlon without the swim leg is called a duathlon. That sounds respectable. And, like the triathlon, its ameniable to punny phrases. Triathlon: if at first you don't succeed, tri tri again. Duathlon: just du it. Aquabike: . . . I've got nothing.
Despite the embarrassing, and/or vaguely insulting, but definitely nobody has a damn clue to what you're referring name, I'm now signed up for two aquabike races in the next month. I'm such a follower sometimes. M asked me if I wanted to do the South Shore Tri (Aquabike). Sure, seems manageable (750M swim, 20K bike, and M gets to run a 5K) and close to home as it starts from the 63rd Street Beach. Bonus. Then, she asked if I wanted to do the She Bangs Tri (Aquabike). That one is over an hour away from home -- meaning we need to get up at 4:00 am -- and the day after a cocktail reception we're hosting, but what the hell. (As it turns out, the She Bangs Tri, is the sprint distance while we are signed up for the Olympic distance. Technically, we are doing the Bangs Lake Triathlon (Aquabike) but since I like puns, I'm sticking with calling it the She Bangs.)
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