On Saturday, we had talked about going bike shopping. I want to get a bike and M has a couple so was willing to help me out. But, I tend to get overwhelmed by options and procrastinate making such purchases (see, e.g., how long it took me to decide to buy a place). Anyway, I wasn't feeling it. Next weekend, for sure. I want to have my bike so I'm prepared when the weather FINALLY gets warmer.
After kickboxing on Sunday, we went to get some food, watch some hoops. I don't know what possessed me but I pulled out my phone and pulled up the Anti-Cruelty website. I guess I wanted a dose of cute puppy. And, we got it. We decided to go over and check them out in person. Once there, there was so much cute. Dogs are great.
M found herself drawn to one dog in particular. Took him out to see how he was. And, he was a nice dog. Calm but still playful and curious. Seven years old -- so, thankfully, no puppy crazy -- and housebroken. He was cute and has the potential to be even cuter once his hair grows back (he is a Lhasa Apso and hair got matted so they had to shave him). Even with his seasonally-inappropriate Christmas sweater on, he was the dog for M.
A mere two and a half hours later (sarcasm right there, it was ridiculous how inefficient and prolonged the process was given how cursory the interview appeared to be), we were walking him out the door. Despite the rude comments of some drunk guys about his sweater (and a very nice congratulations from a cop walking behind us), we got him from the dirt and grime of the shelter, to the clean and fancy of Trump, without problem. After buying out PetCo, it was off to his new home.
I left M for some time with her new dog but came back for dinner. As we were walking back from picking up food, we passed the same cop (such a small world Chicago can be sometimes) who asked how the new dog was doing! And, I'd say he's doing well. With the exception of his replacement shirt. We guessed wrong on what size he is. He kind of resembles a newly-out gay man rocking his first too-tight nautical shirt at Fleet week currently. Isn't he cute?
Already a hit on the blogosphere. Go Scout! And thanks LP for all your help. Scout is a lucky dog.