Saturday morning was Cycle for Survival. We joined 600 people spinning for four hours to raise money for rare cancer research. We were part of a five member team so we really only had to spin for about 45 minutes each over the course of the event. M LOVES these types of things so she brought the enthusiasm, beginning at 7:30 am and not ending until noon. When we weren't on the bike, we were singing, dancing and cheering our rider on. We probably annoyed the people in our immediate vicinity initially. Especially considering some people rode four hours straight. Those people were tired and didn't have cheerleaders. We would hope on the bike, fresh legs, and have four people cheering us on. But, we had a blast and ultimately got other people to join our fun. So much so that we were named as the best cheerleaders.
The spin instructors were awesome. The energy in the room was fantastic. There were cancer survivors present who were inspiring. The only real negative is that it did not smell good in there by hour two. By hour four, it was super smelly, hot and sweaty. Even that had a positive though -- my shower when it was over was easily the best of 2011.
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