Tuesday, November 23, 2010


For reasons that make me sound like a bad niece (because I am), I did not go to Wisconsin on Thanksgiving.

Thankful #1: I avoided a familial argument that I undoubtedly would have picked as it has been brewing for awhile.

My grandmother gave me a pass a couple weeks ago, telling me that if I had an invitation to go anywhere else, please go. M and her mom both invited me to Indy for the weekend. I spent Thanksgiving with them a couple of years ago and it was a super time.

Thankful #2: Having a friend willing to take me into their family for a couple days.

But, for a couple reasons, I decided to stay in Chicago for Thanksgiving Upon hearing that, two of my friends invited me to join them and their families on Thursday.

Thankful #3: Having more than one friend willing to let me join their family on a holiday.

H had been given VIP tickets (read: seats available) to Chicago's Thanksgiving Parade and offered me one on Tuesday. I hadn't been to a parade since I was a little kid. I think it was the Circus Parade in Wisconsin. But, who doesn't like a parade? I started getting excited like a little kid almost immediately. The only potential problem was the weather forecast. I kept saying, don't rain on my parade (literally), Mother Nature.

Thankful #4: No rain! While it was gray and around 40, there was no precipitation. We stayed for the entire parade, until Santa arrived, and met some of the nicest people.

After a quick workout (and warm up -- 40 degrees isn't cold but our toes were numb by 11:00), it was time to continue the festivities. O was with her in-laws and invited us all for cocktails. The table was set for at least twenty people. While we were there, people came and went. It was a loud, fun, festive time.

Then, it was time for dinner. We headed back to the neighborhood. My friend's parents were in town and her mom made a delicious dinner (which, happily for me, did not involve turkey). It was a really nice dinner with friends.

Thankful #5: A Thanksgiving that was low-stress, high-fun, and friend-filled!

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