Last night was a farewell party for Liz. We were summer associates together and have been friends since. She decided that she is done with the law and going back to her non-profit roots. To do so, she is spending a year doing a fellowship with JDC in Moscow.
Liz is a girl with a diverse set of friends who generally do not overlap. As a farewell, a few representatives from each of the groups of friends got together and planned a farewell party with a Russian theme. People were given a "Hello, my name is" tag with their Russian name for the evening. There was a vodka luge with a hammer and sickle carved in. Heavy-handed makeup and fur hats were encouraged.
Overall, I'd say it was a success. A lot of the ladies in attendance took to the theme dress. I haven't seen so much red lipstick and heavy eye makeup in one place before. (More than one of us felt like a hooker on our way to the party because the makeup was so out of character for our normal, non-theme dress.) The men were less thematic but to be fair to them, I didn't give them much direction when came to how to dress like a Russian. Personally, my outfit ended up taking a folk turn, looking vaguely Russian peasant. If only I could do the Russian dance but my knees preclude that kind of enthusiasm.
Originally, Liz was going to be leaving (on a jet plane) for Moscow today. Luckily, her departure date got kicked until October 12. It was fortuitous in that now she doesn't have to fly with a headache, has more time to try to rent her place, AND didn't have to see A LOT of eye makeup get destroyed by farewell tears.
Do svidanyia, Liz. I hope you have a fantastic year in Moscow!
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