For the past six months or so, my knees have been acting like brats. Every time a weather front moved through the area, I could tell you within about six hours of when the precipitation would begin. Tom Skilling had nothing on me. That's the plus side. On the minus side, that forecasting ability meant that my RA medicine was no longer working properly. It wasn't a huge surprise to me that I could build up a tolerance to it after five years on it. When I saw my rheumatologist last month, he told me that I could try switching injections but if that didn't work I would have to go on a medicine that would only allow me to have at most one drink per week. Or, in a nutshell, I would have to choose between walking and drinking.
I am pleased to report that I am cautiously optimistic that I will not have to make the choice. It seems that changing up my injection is working. Its only been two weeks but my forecasting ability appears to be fading a bit. A rain front is on its way here and my knees did not warn me. I will happily take getting wet because I didn't know to bring an umbrella over the alternative. In fact, no umbrella leaves me two hands to hold the drinks that I can still drink!
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