- Wednesday was my friend's birthday. The one thing she wanted to do to celebrate was go to a Cubs game. A delightful activity if you like the sun (she does; when I'm putting on my 45, she's oiling herself up) and daydrinking (who doesn't?). Despite Mother Nature not cooperating, we went to see a Cubs victory (rare thing this season), did not get in any fights despite being surrounded by boisterous Brewers fans, and I had my annual beer and hot dog. Both were delicious. A lovely way to spend an afternoon with a birthday girl.
- I thought today would be tooth-fixed day. Sadly, I was confused on the process and today was only get a temporary crown day while they make impressions and whatnot. It actually hurt more than when I broke the tooth. And, it hurt mentally because I'm missing prime salad-eating days (and normal meals generally really) while I wait for this thing to be final. Another three weeks, hopefully.
- Busy weekend ahead for Chicago with Lollapalooza in town and Transformers continuing to shut down streets for filming. Significantly less busy weekend for me as I have absolutely no plans, unless you count laying around as a plan.
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