31 years and about 8 hours ago, I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to a wonderful family.
Today, to mark the date -- or, as my mom likes to point out, the start of my 32nd year of life -- my parents sent me a huge bouquet of sunflowers at work. (Sunflowers are one of those symbolic flowers for me. When I graduated from law school, our graduation ceremony was called the Sunflower Ceremony. For me, the sunflower will always be tied to the law.) They followed that up with an actual mailed birthday card. So rare these days, but so nice.
My brother and his boyfriend also sent me flowers today. They are the one gift I will ever let my brother give me -- not too expensive, never a bad fit, and always, always brightens my days as long as the flowers last. This year, he gave me a bright bunch that are opening nicely, and cheering my desk right up. My birthday of flowers (which I love) actually started last week with my good friend sending me an early delivery that brightened up my whole weekend. At this rate, it might be my birthday month with some beautiful flowers surrounding me. :)
Tonight, despite that fact that it was my 31st birthday -- a nothing birthday really -- and a school night Monday, a bunch of my friends met me for a drink. We had the backroom at my favorite bar, a bunch of bubbly, some food, and lots of laughs. I've said it before but I am really lucky to have the interesting, intelligent, caring, diverse group of friends that I do.
My family of friends and family of family really made my birthday wonderful. Thank you, all.
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