"I only drink Champagne when I'm happy, and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company, I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it -- unless I'm thirsty." Lily Bollinger.
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Drama Drag: This Time With Pictures!

This is my all-but-brother-in-law, Angelina SX:

My family, minus the males: me, Angelina, mom, and my cousin (who, I will note that now lives with my parents but I never met until Thanksgiving. Putting the fun in dysfunction):
This is an awful picture of me. As you can tell from my expression, I knew there was no way that I, a mere straight girl with only the slighest grasp of make-up could compete with these. Nonetheless, this is me with la Nina Flowers and Angelina. The scary make-up belies the super nice person beneath when it comes to Nina. That said, I have no idea how she fit the Africa theme that she set.

Finally, a picture of me and the photographer. I only realized tonight that her maiden name could easily be a drag name: Amber Wood.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Instead, I was sneezing and coughing on Thursday morning so all parties agreed it was best I stay in Chicago. So I spent Christmas alone with my germs. And, surprisingly, it wasn't bad. It wasn't festive but it wasn't bad. We weren't planning on exchanging gifts so all I missed out on were a few meals. For example, rather than our traditional roast, brussel sprouts and baby Jesus birthday cake (angel food cake), I had nothing but mimosas on Friday. But, I made the most of it, at least from a productive perspective: I did some work, cleaned out my guest room, did my laundry, and generally made things tidier than they have been in awhile.
I'm just hoping I don't get another cold on Tuesday before the New Year.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ho-Ho-Holiday Week.

The quiet was broken by an email reminding me of some outstanding memoranda and setting an unfortunate deadline -- Christmas day -- for their completion. 12-25 is a Friday and the person who set the deadline does not celebrate the holiday so not entirely crazy.
Today was also the day that new partners were announced, including a couple of my friends. Good for them. In a celebratory mood, Missy and I decided to play Santa and deliver our gifts to the staff of our gym. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we got everyone a bottle of prosecco. My old cheerleading skills came in handy this morning as I made the labels for each of 20 bottles. I think the bottles were well-received but I guess its the thought that counts if anyone doesn't like it. At least, I hope.
After playing Santa, it was only 6:30. We could have gone to Theory but Missy suggested an old favorite that has fallen to the wayside during the past months due to house guests, friends and other commitments. We drank a bunch of prosecco, ate a bunch of sushi (including my fav, mochi, for dessert) and watched two movies: Four Christmases (very funny, highly recommend) and The Holiday (not as funny but nonetheless cute and recommended).
Ho ho holiday week.
P. S. Happy Solstice.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Goodwill Hunting.

After five years, I really have no excuse though. In anticipation of my mom spending more time in Chicago in 2010, I decided to clean out my guest closet, aka the place where my goodwill pile lives. My delay in donating meant that I had 7 rather full bags to donate. After taking a bag every day when I went to the car, I was finally ready to take it to the store. Google did the hunting for me. And, would you believe, a Goodwill store is just a few blocks from one of my friend's places. Now, I feel even worse for letting it collect so long. But, better late than never, right?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Case of the Tuesdays.

Today, not so much. My workout was guaranteed sore muscles tomorrow. Turkish Get-Ups? Not for the weak of knee. I was PigPen getting ready: ran my tights (a tough feat in and of itself), found a hole in the side seam of my dress, and spilled my coffee repeatedly. Thankfully, I was wearing boots and a sweater that covered the respective holes but still. My work yesterday was undone when the client yelled at me for a mistake he made. (Totally fixable and the partner knew it was not my fault so no harm, no foul, but the tone!) I went to a lunch meeting only to be one of about 20 people who didn't get any lunch because they had under-ordered. I ended my day by revising a draft (no big deal) and more problematically, the draft's footnotes. I left work at 10:30 p.m., having revised 70 footnotes, only 430 to go. Something to look forward to tomorrow.
Unless, I wake up on Wednesday a Megamillionaire. $weet dream$ are mine tonight.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Holiday Cheers!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
How Suite It Is.

One of my friends works for an investment management fund that has boxes at most of the Chicago sports venues. He was hosting the Bulls box last night. He had an extra ticket that I was lucky enough to get to use. The game was awful -- I've seen better ball handling by high school teams -- but I rather enjoyed myself. While my friend played the good host, I had all I needed for a good night: sports, snacks, and drinks.
Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Snow . . .
The weather outside was a bit frightful though. On Wednesday morning, I decided to walk to opposing counsel's office. It was only six blocks or so. Unfortunately, it was pouring. My shoes got so wet that they didn't dry out until Friday evening. On my way, I passed Rockefeller Center and the tree. Despite it being 9:15 am, it was lit and festive which was a nice countervailing point to the pouring rain.
The interview went well and fast. So much so that I was able to get on a flight that was supposed to take off 1.5 hours early. Due to snow in Chicago, it was delayed a bit but I still made it back in time to raise a $1 glass of prosecco in celebration of Theory's one-year anniversary. I could show the Chicago post office a thing or two about fulfilling its credo when it comes to attending events.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Today, I get to pay a visit to O'Hare. If only it was to go on vacation to a location with threat of sunburn and drinks with umbrellas. I'd even take a business trip to somewhere warm. Instead, I'm going to New York where this weather will follow me. On the positive side, I do like how festive New York looks during the holidays.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Being charitable.

For the record, I think that for an event benefitting people with arthritis, a run in December is just mean. Running and cold both aggravate my arthritis. I've said it before but my favorite thing about having arthritis is that it gives me an excuse not to do something I've always hated anyway. We decided that a better benefit for arthritis would be a spa day or bingo or something. Anything but a run in the cold.
This is the second charity walk that this group of girls has done together. And, this is the second charity walk that we have messed up the course. We are charitable cheaters. But not intentionally. We are smart women but we just can't seem to get it right. We are fast walkers and good chatters. Its a dangerous combination for actually following a course. Instead of a 5K, we probably ended up doing a 3K.
We were done by 8:45 am, in time for spin class. After dropping off one of my teammates, I was heading to the gym with the rest of the girls. By the time we got to the gym, we were convinced that breakfast would be a much better idea than spin. We walked over to Grand Lux Cafe, had ourselves some breakfast cocktails and omlets and continued our chatting and joking.
To call it a workout this morning, would be very charitable. To call it a good time, would be an understatement.